GOP Governors want stimulus funds

January 31, 2009

How interesting the “party of principle” can’t seem to get on the same page.

The GOP governors largely want the stimulus funds while Congressional House GOP members have rejected it unanimously.

What is Rush Limbaugh going to say now?  Are you as confused as the Republican party is?

Democrat Dave

House GOP should walk the talk–refuse bailout funds

January 30, 2009

This week, the House GOP unanimously rejected the Obama-led bailout initiative to bolster the sagging economy.  Why?

The GOP claims to the be a “party of principle” against deficits, government bailouts, etc.  The GOP believes that trickle-down economics is the only way to go and feels the answer is simply more tax cuts.

If the House Republicans are truly a party of principle, John Boehner, Eric Cantor and the House GOP leadership should immediately announce that the House Republicans will refuse to accept any bailout funds coming into their districts.  Stephen Colbert suggested they do on his show last evening, a brilliant idea don’t you think?

By rejecting bailout funds, the House Republicans send a strong message of principle not only to Barack Obama and the Democrats but also to their constituents.  Think of the strong message that would send!  Why, even Rush Limbaugh would be delighted with this principled response, don’t you think?

Do they have the guts to do it?  Of course not.  They really aren’t that principled. What do you think?

Democrat Dave

Republicans looking to jumpstart the economy

January 26, 2009

After driving the economy into the ditch, do the Republicans really think they offer the leadership and insights to “jumpstart the economy?”  What a ludicrous thought!

Thankfully, the GOP lost the last election cycle.  Can you imagine if McCain and the GOP were in charge now?

The standard GOP refrain is to simply “lower personal income taxes” not to spend money on a stimulus package.

Excuse me, but, how does “lowering personal income taxes” help the person who doesn’t have a job?  How dumb does the GOP think we all are out here anyway?

The stimulus package is a lifeline to create meaningful jobs to bridge us from where we are to where we need to be.

I, for one, am not looking for any additional GOP “leadership” about how to fix the economy anymore than I’d be looking for Captain Hazelwood–the Captain of the Exxon-Valdez–to offer suggestions about how to maneuver an oil tanker through Alaskan waters.

Every day of delay further puts our economy at risk.  Under GOP “leadership”–George Bush and Henry Paulson–we’ve already sunk about $700 billion in bailouts to Wall Street and I’ve yet to understand how we are better off.  Can anybody explain this to me?

As far as I’m concerned, the GOP needs to shut the f__k up on matters of economic policy and let the Barack Obama lead the way.  If the GOP continues to look like obstructionists, things will only get worse for them in the 2010 election cycle.

Barack Obama correctly pointed out that “he won” the election.  We need change.  GOP–get out of the way.  Try to become part of the solution rather than remaining part of the problem.

What do you think?  Democrat Dave